AI Marketplace to find the best solutions for your industry🛒

This is where data experts and industry leaders meet to solve industry specific customer feedback challenges.

Create your own AI mindset & sell it on Feedgage

Train your AI models in a short period of time

Upload data, design your category structure, define your hyperparameters with supportive knowledge, see the results, and re-plan your iterations

Publish your AI model on the market

Easy to make your model get used by tons of end-users. Getting feedback and reshaping published model is a unique experience for experts

Watch & earn money

The better you define your model in the marketplace, the more users you get. More users mean more transactions to earn more

Create templates for users to popularize your models

Feedgage offers templates for end-user to shorten their onboarding process. Templates are the most user-centric structures that you can tell about your model to non-technic users.

  1. Create your models (classifiers and sentiment analyzers)
  2. Add them to selected data sources for target vertical
  3. Convert it to a public template to be presented in the marketplace

Data import and annotation have never been that easy before

Feedgage presents the most easy-to-use data importing mechanism for different types of users.
Importing your data through Feedgage's data upload and integration capabilities is just a piece of cake. You just select your column/feature types and watch how Feedgage turns it into a ready-to-use dataset. Hereafter, you can create an annotation task on the dataset in the system to be fulfilled by more than one annotators

Train your model with different parameters over and over again

Feedgage allows you to train your model by different strategies to make a comparison across all. So you can select the best performer to deploy to be used in actual business cases.
Your model is shown by metrics such as precision, recall, and f1 to prove a real solution to non-technical business users for their use-cases.

Get Your Place On AI Marketplace

Create your own AI model to solve industry specific challenges and get listed in our marketplace.

Use The Best Models for Your Industry

You can see all the AI models that are specifically prepared for your industry and choose the most successful ones to start scaling your customer experience.

Use the Power of AI

Feedgage AI marketplace is designed to be a place where data experts and industry leaders meet to unleash the power of data through AI.

Create and upload your AI model to sell on marketplace